Fantasy Fashion
This was my first use of the second camera, the Konica had the 50mm lens and the Sony had on the 55-200mm. This covers most of the ranges I use when doing these shoots.
Dust Poets @ 12 Bar
12Bar is a fairly well known live music venue. John "The Jacket" Hawes, my way in to this event as his tag-along Tog was amazed to see a couple of rows of chairs in the gig space at the back.
Notting Hill Carnival 2009
Bit of a mixup on the meetup, but it was a good afternoon of shooting and drinking!
Corporate Stock Imagery
Interesting concept for a shoot and one with a potential for a lot of stock photos. Primarily male models. The shoot took place along Leadenhall street, an old stomping ground of mine I know well, which was useful for finding good locations.
‘80s Fashion
Walking the streets of London as a meetup, we used locations and props with four models to create a vibe from the 1980s.
Shibari Rope Bondage
Shibari, as it is named in the fetish community, is the Japanese art of rope bondage. In Japan, it would, more correctly, be called Kinbaku (緊縛) which means "tight binding,".
Urban Decay
For a long time, I personally found that this was my best work. I spent quite some time doing small edits in the backgrounds to remove a couple of areas of overexposure. I really like the composition here…
Goths & Vampires
This was an unusual shoot, it was arranged to take advantage of a Cemetery open day and there were a series of Goths and Vampires there to take advantage of the atmosphere.
Recreating Famous Photographs
Working with five models, we worked to recreate famous photographic images with our own twist as part of one of the London Photographic Meetup Group events.
Year of the Earth Ox Celebration
This image was taken at the Chinese New Years celebrations and the man in question was a participant at the Trafalgar square venue.
High Street Fashion
This was my first shoot with models, Laurie was energetic. He would climb fences, boxes or anything else.