San Luis Obispo

An evening stop on our drive along the Pacific Coast Highway, San Luis Obispo was a surprising place.


Restaurants & Bars

Grange Bistro

I was getting kind of annoyed because Santa Barbara was so cool and we could have stayed there. Then fate stepped in... 

My associate stopped to get cash, whilst he was doing that I wandered over the road to look at a little place I’d spotted called the Grange Bistro. It was TINY, five tables of two each. The whole place, including kitchen/bar was the size of a front room but it was incredible! One of the best places I’ve ever eaten.

First thing, we were given an amuse bouche and a specialty wine to try. Their menus were old books with extra pages bound in, wine recommended with each dish. I had dolmades to start with a spicy flatbread for main. I also had a bottle of amazing red wine from Spain. The owner/waitress was lovely, really chatty and pleasant. After dinner we went to a pub for beers and listed to some live reggae.....

Sands Suites

We got into San Luis Obispo at about eight, and stayed at a cool place called the Sands Suites. They had a pool, which I intended to use before we left in the morning, and failed due to an unpleasant hangover.... That evening we walked into town for dinner and it was completely dead, every restaurant we went past was basically empty, the bars were lifeless.


Sports & Activities

Weed Guy

The only excitement we found was that we did have a kid shout out of his car window

"you guys got any weed?"
"no, sorry"
"damn, I want to get high as a fucking kite man"





Santa Barbara