Route 10 - Köpmanholmen to Entré Nord
Trail Information
Distance: 7km
Difficulty: Easy
Transport: There is a bus at Köpmanholmen C
The Experience
Day 1
I missed this entire section, as my friend gave me a lift by boat to Köpmanholmen and then by car to Entré Nord. However, whilst there is some nice scenery at the tail end of route 11 that I missed, all of Route 10 is walking along the main roads through Köpmanholmen. One day I will come back and do the whole of the Höga Kusten trail, but when time is a premium, I advise you to skip it if you can.
The North Entrance to the Skuleskogens National Park is marked with a wooden platform, and an entrance building with fire pits and drop toilets, but no camping. To camp you have to head further into the forest, which I was happy to do.