Cowes & East Cowes

Cowes and the smaller town of East Cowes face each other over the River Medina (which can be crossed by the Floating Bridge) Cowes is a quaint tourist town with the Red Jet high speed catamaran back to the mainland whilst East Cowes has the slower Red Funnel Car Ferry.

Restaurants & Bars

Spice Central (Cowes)

Friendly and fabulous Indian food in the centre of Cowes. Be cautious with the chilli dishes as the chillies are whole and fresh!


Sports & Activities

Red Funnel Ferries (East Cowes)

The ‘slower’ car ferry that runs approximatly once an hour from East Cowes back to Southampton. For those wating the faster catamaran, the Red Jet runs from the terminal on West Cowes.

Floating Bridge

Connection East and West Cowes, the Floating bridge takes cars and passengers across the short inlet of water. Overnight it moors on the West Cowes side.




