
The city's rich history is evident in its Roman walls and the stunning Exeter Cathedral, which dates back to the Norman era. But Exeter isn't just about the past. It's a vibrant, thriving city with a lively arts scene, fantastic restaurants, and a calendar full of festivals and events. And let's not forget its location. Situated on the River Exe and just a stone's throw from the coast, Exeter is a gateway to some of the UK's most beautiful countryside and beaches.

Sights & Culture

Castle Drogo

Later on the same afternoon we saw Okehampton castle, we headed across to Castle Drogo, the newest castle in the United Kingdom, built in the 30’s by an eccentric family. In a perpetual state of repair due to the poor quality of the original building work, it is clearly a new building. The reason to visit however is the grounds it is set in, a beautiful combination of planned lawns, herbs and flowers, and wilderness it is worth an exploration.




