Lake Manayara

Offering incredible views over the rift valley escarpment and with two thirds of its area covered by water, the Lake Manyara National Park is something amazing.


Our first stage of the safari was Lake Manyara National Park, just south of Mto Wa Mbu. We loaded into our two jeeps and headed out with the top raised and the windows open ready to start seeing the wildlife. The park is beautiful with thick trees, tall hills and deep water.

Almost immediately we came across an elephant in the middle of the road that came incredibly close to our car. Moving closer to the lake, we found a herd of Impala, a wild herd of Zebra and a pair of Red Bookbills fighting with an Eagle over some carrion. We also saw the famous sausage tree.

As we drove around, baboons swarmed the road, as well as the Blue Balls Monkey.

At a lake, you’ll see a lot of bird life, most magnificent perhaps we the Grey Crown Cranes.

When we finished for the day, it was straight to a campsite for some dinner and a general hang out.




Cape Buffalo



Olive Baboons

Vervet Monkey (Blue Balls Monkey)




Grey Crowned Crane

Lilac-Breasted Roller

Martial Eagle

Red Hookbill

There was also a protracted battle between the two Red Hookbills and the Martial eagle over some carrion. The Eagle was ultimately driven off.



A large national park south of Mto Wa Mbu, the park’s central feature is the huge lake, drawing in wild animals and birds from miles around.


Serengeti National Park


Mto Wa Mbu