A Tog's Trek

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Musician Shoot

This shoot was unusual, the participants were all musicians, who had come along to get promotional images to use for their work. Rather than working with models, who were looking for portfolio shots highlighting their versatility, we were working with people looking for an image that expressed something about them and their work. I worked with four musicians during the course of the day, one of the things I have got out of it, is to talk more to the musician to get an understanding of who they are and what they are looking for. What kind of music do they play. I did some of this and it guided the kind of photos I took and the route the editing went down.


Lily is a folk singer-songwriter and guitarist, she had a cool look to her and so when processing there was a lot of monotones, and desaturation to bring the effect to something more powerful.


Ky is the frontman for an electro-pop band, so post-processing I played up some of the colours to make it more "funky" and artificial to line up with the electro nature.


Dom creates his music with an electronic board rather than traditional instruments, so I tried to put him in locations that juxtaposed the board, carved pillars, a workbench, pallets. Taking it out of a high tech studio.


Emma is a soul singer and so I opted for some more natural images, but also more close-up ones of her.

One of the difficulties I found, if they had brought their instruments, was to not use them. It was such an obvious prop, that it tended to dominate the pictures and that's a lesson. The musician isn't the music.