A Tog's Trek

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Ducky Fuzzlin's @ O2 Academy

I met the band, the Ducky Fuzzlin's through Photography and was asked to come along to one of their gigs with my camera. This photo on the right is actually from the third Fuzzlin gig I've attended.  They were some of the first gigs I attended and the are a whole range of additional problems when dealing with low light venues which I had not encountered.

A fast fixed focal length lens is vital. It is always dark, even with the spotlights and being able to freeze a moment, at least sufficiently to capture the mood is important. As you can see, the image to the right was taken with a 50mm price and a fast aperture. Although, not as fast as it’s capable of, so as not to have a single point in focus, a lesson I learned from previous gigs.

I've (on advice from Esper) generally tried to have three key lenses with me, a fixed prime, a zoom and a wide-angle lens. Two of these are on show on these pages. The wide-angle covers the whole stage, though I have since learned the value of exposure compensation to reduce the blown-out whites.

See this map in the original post