Goths & Vampires

This was an unusual shoot, it was arranged to take advantage of a Cemetery open day and there were a flock of Goths and Vampires there. to take advantage of the atmosphere. Some of these vampires were willing to pose for us as models. The model to the right was called Darkstar and impeccably made up.

The shot here was done with a shallow depth of field using a wide-open aperture and it worked well, it was in a heavily wooded area so there were some excellent shadows but it was still bright. As you can see from the settings, with such a  shallow depth of field the shutter speed was pushed extremely fast.

It’s also more heavily edited than many of my photographs. Its been subtly desaturated and the skin has been smoothed out more than would be appropriate.

My liking for this shot is the mood rather than anything else, it highlights the gloom and darkness that the Gothic community strives for and I am proud of the achievement of capturing a vampire on film.


Urban Decay


Recreating Famous Photographs