‘80s Fashion

Walking the streets of London as a Meetup, we used locations and props with four models to create a vibe from the 1980s.

This is the only photo I've taken which I have been asked about professionally. I was approached by a magazine editor about using it as the cover of one of their publications. Ultimately it fell through, but it’s a very flattering request even so.

I have included the original shot below, it shows the tremendous difference even a small amount of editing can have on how a photograph looks. The colour image, partly due to the 80's theme, was too vibrant and discordant to be a pleasing image. Once taken into a high contrast black and white it is a much more interesting image.

As an image it was fairly standard to take, fixed Prime lens, not too wide an aperture and a fairly fast shutter speed, and yet it stands as the one image that attracted commercial attention out of the 6081 taken in 2009.

Women at Work

Women at Work


Corporate Stock Imagery


Shibari Rope Bondage